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Scientists working on drug discovery for Cystic Fibrosis AMR, Image by Cambridge Laboratory of Molecular Biology
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Toolkit and resources for the community

The CF AMR Syndicate has engaged with the UK CF infection research community in academia and industry to understand the challenges in the discovery and translation of novel antimicrobials to the clinic to treat infections associated with CF.

A photo of a woman and two boys. The subjects in the image are looking on a table in a room of a domestic home. The table has a collection of medicines to treat cystic fibrosis

Key Challenges

No agreed preclinical screening and testing pathways, and a lack of robust preclinical models of CF.
Difficulty to access clinically relevant samples, which are essential for the screening and testing of new CF antimicrobials, before they can be tested in the clinic.

The Solution


Enable access to samples, data and expertise via the UK CF Infection Biorepository.


Support the set up of PIPE-CF, a Cystic Fibrosis Trust Strategic Research Centre led by Dr Jo Fothergill at the University of Liverpool.


Develop patient-focused Target Product Profiles for CF-related infections.
Researchers in the laboratory at Imperial College, London.

What can we offer?

We can support innovators in antimicrobial and infection diagnostic development by:

  • Facilitating access to the enabling resources we have developed
  • Enabling collaboration and knowledge exchange via the CF AMR Network
  • Through bespoke advice on a project-by-project basis
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