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CF AMR Syndicate Research into AMR
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Who we are

In 2019, Medicines Discovery Catapult joined forces with Cystic Fibrosis Trust to form the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Syndicate. The Syndicate expanded, welcoming LifeArc in a tripartite managing partnership. The CF AMR Syndicate is a cross-sector initiative that brings together leading experts in CF/AMR from industry, academia, and the clinic, as well as people with CF.

The unmet need

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited, life-limiting disease affecting over 10,900 people in the UK.

People with CF experience a build-up of thick sticky mucus in the lungs, digestive system and other organs, causing a wide range of challenging symptoms affecting the entire body. In the lungs, bacteria get trapped in thick sticky mucus and are difficult to clear.

A photo of a workbench with a light box on it. The light box has petri dishes on it with a scientist wearing a white lab coat hands holding the dishes.

Antibiotics are routinely used to manage these infections which can be persistent. Over time and due to resistance, recurrent infections become difficult to treat which subsequently leads to irreversible lung damage.

Antimicrobials are vital to managing acute infections, known as exacerbations, and to help suppress or manage long-term chronic infections. Without these treatments, lung function and overall health, quality of life and life span of people living with CF are dramatically altered.

A photo of a petri dish with antimicrobials placed in the dish containing green substance. Gloved finger and thumb can just been seen to the edge of the picture holding the petri dish.

The discovery and development of new antimicrobials to treat infections associated with CF are, undoubtedly, an urgent unmet need.

A photo of a woman and boy. The woman is low in the picture so her head is a similar level to the boy. The boy has a ventilation mask held to his face.

The CF AMR Syndicate has been set up to accelerate the translation of CF antimicrobials to the clinic to bring new and effective treatment options to people with CF.

Our research agenda has been informed by extensive efforts to understand the research landscape and the needs of the CF infection research community. We have developed the agenda through a cross-sector collaborative approach, which has involved close working with people with CF.

A photo of a person with Cystic Fibrosis is lying on a hospital bed with a medical device in his mouth. Another person is out of focus to the left of the frame as the camera view is over his right shoulder.

To accelerate CF antimicrobial drug discovery & development, we are…

Creating Resources

Creating resources for CF antimicrobial discovery and development.

Sample & Data Biorepository

The UK CF Infection Biorepository enables access to high-quality samples and data, including CF-relevant strains and isolates.

Target Product Profiles (TPPs)

The patient-focussed Target Product Profiles (TPPs) for CF-related infections provide guidance in CF antimicrobial discovery and development to innovators in industry and academia.

Building a Network

Building a CF AMR network to facilitate collaboration and enable knowledge exchange.

Nurturing & Supporting Projects

Nurturing and supporting promising CF antimicrobial projects through dedicated support at Medicines Discovery Catapult, the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and LifeArc.

Our History

Since launching in September 2019, CF AMR Syndicate has:


In 2019, Medicines Discovery Catapult joined forces with Cystic Fibrosis Trust to form the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Syndicate.


Involved people with CF in all its activities to ensure their needs and priorities are at the heart of all Syndicate research efforts.

Developed a strong understanding of the critical challenges and opportunities in CF antimicrobial drug discovery.

Established strong links and engaged widely with the international CF infection research community in academia and industry.

Created resources to support the acceleration of CF antimicrobial discovery and development efforts.

A female scientist working at a bench in a science laboratory. She's wearing a white lab coat and purple gloves.


Medicines Discovery Catapult and We Share Ventures collaborate in novel funding partnership


Welcomed LifeArc as a managing partner of the CF AMR Syndicate.


Announced the Collaborative Discovery Programme (CDP) funding call. A £3 million programme (provided by LifeArc) supporting six early-stage drug discovery projects aligned with the unmet needs identified in our Therapeutic Target Product Profiles (TPP) for CF lung infections.


Announced the Collaborative Discovery Programme (CDP) funding awardees.

A graphic with a black rectangle and the words Collaborative Discovery Programme Awardees in yellow typeface in the centre. Above the text is a logo for the CF AMR Syndicate.
Dr Paula Sommer

“People living with CF are particularly vulnerable to antimicrobial resistance. New antimicrobials that target infections caused by bugs commonly associated with lung infections in CF are urgently needed.”

Dr Paula Sommer, Head of Research at Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Contact CF AMR Syndicate

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Become part of a collaborative community that is working together to accelerate the development of CF antimicrobials and bring new treatments to people with CF.