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CF AMR Syndicate Network
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CF AMR Network

The Network will facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange in CF infection research. We aim to create a diverse cross-sector collaborative network with the expertise required to drive and accelerate CF antimicrobial development.

The network will:

Bring together a critical mass of individuals and organisations with expertise and capabilities in CF antimicrobial discovery and development.
Drive and facilitate introductions across the network to enable collaborate projects, strengthening national and international collaboration in CF antimicrobial research.
Accelerate integration of new entrants to CF antimicrobial research.
Unlock opportunities to engage and involve people with CF in CF antimicrobial programmes.
Enable knowledge exhcange and news updates via the CF syndicate in AMR website, a bi-annual newsletter and the development of networking events and colloquia.

Become a member

Anyone working in or interested in CF infection research can sign up to join the CF AMR Syndicate Network for free.

This includes people with CF as well as people from academia, NHS, industry, government and charity. Although the focus of our face-to-face events will be in the UK, the network is open globally for anyone to join.

A photo of two people sitting at an outdoor table. A man in a blue shirt is sitting facing the camera is looking and smiling to his right at a woman who is positioned left of frame with her back to the camera. The man is holding a mug in both hands while the woman is holding a clear glass.
By signing up to the network, you will:

Receive the latest news and events in CF infection research via the CF AMR Syndicate newsletter.


Have the opportunity to identify new collaborators by telling us about your expertise and capabilities so that we can make relevant introductions.


Be contacted if any relevant collaboration opportunities arise.